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Quality Assurance

Quality control and quality assurance of road construction

2012 – Uganda – Road Management System Data Validation
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This Appendix describes Data Validation and Preparation measures that should be taken prior to loading data into dTIMS. Although dTIMS can perform some validation on data entry, it is often quicker and easier to perform such checks in a simple spreadsheet or database package. And, given that dTIMS is an enterprise data repository, then if data gets loaded into dTIMS, it becomes available to other users – data should be validated prior to data entry to prevent accidental use of invalid data by others.


The validation checks described here are typical checks that should be performed against any data, given typical data specifications. However, additional checks might also have to be performed, depending on the individual data specifications. Any unit collecting data should produce a Quality Management Plan that describes in detail the data collection procedures and the steps that are taken to ensure quality data. The Data Specifications and Quality Management Plan might impose other restrictions on data and, if so, the validation procedures described here should be updated.


If the data collection team has produced and followed proper quality management procedures, then the validation checks described here should simply demonstrate that the data is valid. If the data does not pass the validation checks, then it probably indicates issues in the Quality Management Plan and/or the following of the Quality Management Procedures, which should be addressed with the data collection and processing teams.


This Appendix also contains a checklist of tests that should be performed on data. This checklist should be filled in and kept in a structured format for every data file received, to prove or demonstrate to management or stakeholders that proper validation of data in the RMS has taken place.

2009 - USA - Pavement Roughness Acceptance Specification
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A specification adopted for the State of Virginia for the acceptance of pavement overlays based on the IRI.

Comprehensive report prepared for the Indian National Rural Roads Development Agency, this covers all aspects of QA for rural roads in India. Volume 1 introduces principles of quality assurance while Volume 2 is test procedures.

Comprehensive report prepared for the Indian National Rural Roads Development Agency, this covers all aspects of QA for rural roads in India. Volume 1 introduces principles of quality assurance while Volume 2 is test procedures.

This manual covers the works to be carried out under the BIIPS – CO2b Road Infrastructure Survey – Phase II consultancy services for Roughness, Imaging, Centerline and Pavement Strength surveys including Coring and DCP tests on roads in the National Road network in the Philippines.

2000 - USA - QA of Road Roughness Measurement
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This report describes a study designed to establish the accuracy and repeatability of high-speed, road-profiling equipment. This effort focused on a series of roughness validation sites. The study addresses selecting the appropriate sites, determining the “true” or reference profiles for these sites, implementing high-speed testing procedures, and developing a method for processing profiles and reducing the corresponding roughness indices.

The findings suggest that laser-equipped, high-speed inertial profilers, driven by skilled operators, are capable of providing exceptional levels of repeatability within an acceptable bias for a standard reference device (the Face Companies’ Dipstick®). The study further offers some preliminary repeatability and accuracy goals for equipment used to conduct construction acceptance testing (for smoothness) as well as for network roughness surveys.

1999 - Canada - Review of Pavement Smoothness Specifications
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Paper summarizing the different specifications used in Canada and elsewhere for quality assurance of road roughness.