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2019 - EU - Automobile Tyre and Break Wear


2019 - EU - Automobile Tyre and Break Wear

This chapter covers the emissions of particulate matter (PM) including black carbon (BC) ( 1 ) which are due to road vehicle tyre and brake wear (NFR code 1.A.3.b.vi), and road surface wear (NFR code 1.A.3.b.vii). PM emissions from vehicle exhaust are not included. The focus is on primary particles — in other words, those particles emitted directly as a result of the wear of surfaces — and not those resulting from the resuspension of previously deposited material. It should be noted that the second level of the NFR code for these emission sources relates to ‘combustion’. Clearly, tyre wear, brake wear and road surface wear are abrasion processes, not combustion processes. However, these chapters have been assigned their NFR codes as a matter of convenience, and to allow all emissions from road transport to be assessed together. For the present time, this anomaly has to be accepted by inventory compilers. PM emissions are considered in relation to the general vehicle classes identified in Chapter 1.A.3.b Road transport concerning exhaust emissions from road transport (NFR codes 1.A.3.b.i to b iv), these being passenger cars, light-duty trucks, heavy-duty vehicles and two-wheel vehicles.

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Created Date: 23-10-2023
Last Updated Date: 27-07-2024