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Chris' Presentations

All of Chris' presentations in one place!


Youtube video of Chris presenting his experiences at the World Bank managing transport projects.

A presentation used in a Webinar for Engineering NZ's "Lessons Learned" series. Based on Chris' experiences over 18 years at the World Bank covers four themes and gives some suggestions on what can be done to better manage projects. The sort of presentation he couldn't give while still a staff member of the World Bank :-)

2020 - Road Safety in New Zealand

Presentation on road safety in New Zealand, with a particular focus on issues facing Golden Bay.

This is a detailed 3 h training course on road safety developed as part of the release of the World Bank's 'Good Practice Note' (GPN) on road safety.

There are two parts to the course: (1) covers the scale of the road safety crisis that we are facing, and how it can be adderssed through the 'Safe System' approach; (2) gives an introduction to the GPN and how its principles are to be applied on different types of World Bank financed projects.

Presentation on solutions used to overcome fragility in the Pacific on World Bank financed transport projects.

2018 - World Bank - Managing Labor Influx
 4.75 MB

Presentation given to the World Bank on how to manage labor influx.

2018 - World Bank - GBV Training 2
 7.42 MB

Training course on GBV - Part 2.

2018 - World Bank - GBV Training 1
 8.02 MB

Training course on GBV - part 1

Presentation to the World Bank on how GBV is being addressed on the Pacific Aviation Investment Program.

2018 - Integrating Climate Change to Asset Management
 61.9 MB

Keynote address to the 2018 New Zealand Road Infrastructure Management conference on incorporating climate change considerations to asset management.

Presentation to the 2018 NZ NAMS Conference on how we need to adapt our approach to asset management because of the changing environment due to climate change.

2017 - Pacific Aviation Investment Program
 5.7 MB

Presentation to the 2017 Transportation Reserarch Board Conference on the Pacific Aviation Investment Program, investing in aviation infrastructure and oversight in Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

2017 - Otta Seal Pavements
 3.41 MB

Presentation showing different aspects of Otta Sealing.

Presentation on operational and technical innovations to deliver projects in small island states.

Presentation on how we considered the biodiversity needs on the Hubei Yiba Highway Project by conducting detailed surveys of caves. Resulted in the discovery of a new species/genus - named Superbrochetus Bennetti (after the TTL Chris Bennett!).

2017 - Geocell Pavement Presentation
 8.28 MB

Presenation to Transportation Research Board Low Volume Roads Committee on Geocell Pavements.

2017 - Climate Change and Low Volume Roads
 6.76 MB

Presentation to the 2017 Transportation Research Board on the challenges and opportunities for low volume roads due to climate change.

Presentation to the World Bank Gender CCSA on how GBV is being addressed on the PAIP program in the South Pacific.

Training course delivered to World Bank staff on how to reduce the risk of gender based violence and violence against children using the case study of the Pacific Aviation Investment Program.

2016 - Geocells for Affordable Pavements
 1.43 MB

Paper to the IRF Conference on Geocell work being pilot tested in the Pacific Islands.

Training course conducted in September 2016 at World Bank headquarters on environmental management of projects.

2016 - Addressing Labor Influx
 545.66 KB

Short presentation on key issues around addressing labor influx for projects.

Presentation to the 9th International Conference on Managing Pavements on how a road maintenance industry was created in Tonga through the 'Transport Sector Consolidation Project'.

2015 - Pacific Aviation Investment Program Overview
 3.59 MB

Presentation to the World Bank's Aviation Community of Practice on the Pacific Aviation Investment Program.

2015 - Kiribati - Coastal Protection Challenges
 9.62 MB

Presentation showing challenges for coastal protection of transport infrastructure in Kiribati.

Presentation on EHS on projects - including best practice.

2015 - Considering Road Safety in Project Preparation
 3.64 MB

Presentation given at the 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference on how road safety needs to be considered in preparing projects.

2015 - Background to Development of HDM-4
 5.03 MB

Presentation at the launch workshop for the proposed International Study of Road Asset Management and Models in Washington D.C., May 2015.

2014 - World Bank - Yiba Highway Project Environmental Work
 64.29 MB

Presentation to 2014 international donor's 'Community of Practice' on the how negative environmental impacts were minimized on the Hubei Yiba Highway Project. Includes video on cave biodiversity.

2014 - World Bank - Roads and Climate Adaptation
 1.15 MB

Short presentation from 2014 World Bank forum on climate adaptation and roads. Emphasizes that you need to look at things with a network vulnerability perspective and that it is no use doing major improvements to drainage without routine maintenance.

2014 - World Bank - Pacific Aviation Investment Program
 3.15 MB

Presentation given in Wellington to the AAAE Conference on aviation with a focus on security

Presentation on how to implement effective HIV/AIDS education campaigns on construction projects. To be used in conjunction with the standard clauses for Health and Safety (www.tinyurl.com/pcc-clauses) and the 'Road to Good Health Toolkit' (www.theroadtogoodhealth.org). 

2013 - World Bank - Trends in Road Asset Management
 2.75 MB

Presentation to the 2013 Asian Development Bank's Transport Community of Practice. Covers Asset Management from a more holistic perspective than usual.

2013 - World Bank - Tonga's Maritime Sector
 2.04 MB

Presentation describing key issues faced in Tonga's maritime sector.

2013 - World Bank - Inclusive Transport Through Aviation
 3.19 MB

How aviation investments contribut towards poverty alleviation.

2013 - Transport and Development
 10.82 MB

Presentation to Auckland University on Transport and Development.

2013 - Quality Control of Road Survey Data
 2.59 MB

Presentation to 2013 Transportation Research Board Conference workshop on road data quality assurance.

2013 - Data Collection Needs for Low Volume Roads
 4.84 MB

Presentation to Data Analysis Working Group (DAWG) at 2013 Transportation Research Board Conference on data collection needs for low volume roads.

Presentation discussing issues pertaining to catering for non-motorized traffic in China.

Presentation at the launch workshop for the TvAIP

Presentation giving an overview of the $125m Pacific Aviation Investment Program.

2012 - NZ - Social and Environmental Considerations
 5.6 MB

For a lecture at the University of Auckland. There is a short video to go with the presentation showing some positive social benefits from road investments.

2012 - NZ - Pavement Design - The Client's Perspective
 4.68 MB

For a lecture at University of Auckland. This presentation covers some practical considerations when designing pavements.

2012 - NZ - Measuring Pavement Condition
 4.93 MB

Lecture given at the University of Auckland on practical issues related to measuring pavement condition.

Presentation on the potential for road construction works to create employment. Given to NZ Road Controlling Authorities 16/9/11.

2011 - World Bank - Review of Air Transport
 3.87 MB

Presentation on international trends in aviation and the World Bank's investments in the sector.

2011 - Seven Deadly Sins of Pavement Management
 3.12 MB

Presented at the 2011 Conference on Pavement Management Systems.

Computer based pavement management systems (PMS) have been implemented by many road agencies to assist with developing long term works programmes and predicting future network conditions. The success of such systems in achieving their stated aim has varied: reports after initial implementation are often positive, but the long term success is less well reported and often varied and mixed. Typically, in the long term, a gap develops between the expectations of ‘practitioners’ and senior managers in road agencies, and the objectives and work of the technical specialists responsible for managing the PMS.

The paper identifies key issues which affect the long term success of PMS implementation. The reflections are based on the authors’ experience in both the developed and developing world and draw on real examples and case studies. The paper concludes with recommendations as to how road agencies should manage PMS use and suggests approaches which maximise the potential for successful PMS uptake. A number of areas are explored including: issues around understanding outputs from PMS systems; the level of effort, resource and investment required for the use of a PMS; the relevance of PMS decisions to the overall budgeting outcome; the level of effort into data collection for PMS analyses; and the overall business context. The main principle that is established is that managers of PMS initiatives need to strive constantly to ensure that focus remains on the broad context and culture of the road administration, and that all work must be directed to this broader focus.

The accompanying paper is available for download here.

Presentation accompanying paper for 2011 Low Volume Roads Conference. Paper is here.

2011 - Generic Specifications for Data Collection
 1.95 MB

Presentation to the 2011 TRB Conference on the World Bank's generic specifications for road and pavement data collection.

Presentation to 2011 Low Volume Roads Conference

2010 - Financing Low Volume Roads in Armenia
 1.27 MB

Presentation from 2010 TRB Conference on financing low volume roads in Armenia.

2010 - Environmental Management on Road Projects
 9.78 MB

Presentation showing issues encountered on road projects with the environment.

Presentation to accompany the conference paper with the same name.

2009 – World Bank – Thematic Environmental Review
 17.46 MB

Presentation on the findings from a thematic review of environmental performance on road projects in the South Caucasus

2009 – Pavement Management in Developing Countries
 16.55 MB

Presentation to Virginia Tech on pavement management in developing countries

2009 - The Importance of Risk Management for Road Agencies
 4.69 MB

Presentation on the importance of risk management highlighting key challenges for road agencies. Given at PIARC Risk Management Seminar

Overview of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to performance based road maintenance contracting. Given at IRF Workshop on Road Management.

Presentation on the development of China’s expressway system

2008 - Resettlement on World Bank Projects
 10.79 MB

Presentation given to George Washington University on resettlement issues on World Bank projects. Consists of (i) presentation with speaker's notes; (ii) a background note on resettlement describing some experiences from China; and, (iii) an example of a resettlement action plan from Georgia.

The files are in a self-extracting archive.

2008 - Resettlement on World Bank Projects
 7.76 MB

Presentation on how involuntary resettlement is addressed on World Bank financed projects.

Presented at the PIARC 6th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics. 

For over 20 years the World Bank has supported clients in developing countries to procure pavement condition monitoring equipment and/or services.  The success of these projects has been mixed. While some countries have successfully institutionalized sustainable data collection, too many have failed either due to the adoption of overly complex equipment or inadequate institutional capacity.

As a result of this, the Bank has put forth a number of key concepts in an endeavour to ensure appropriate and sustainable pavement condition data collection. These include concepts such as the \'Information Quality Level\', which indicates the appropriate level of data detail given the intended purpose, to developing generic specifications for the procurement of data collection equipment and services.

The presentation shows some of the experiences of the Bank in these different projects, highlighting the key lessons learned and how agencies can better ensure sustainable and appropriate data collection.

The assoicated paper can be downloaded here.

Training module in 2008 course on tunnel safety sponsored by the World Bank and held in Wuhan, China. The modules include:

There is also a powerpoint presentation.

2007 – Examples of Road Management Systems
 7.76 MB

Presentation given in India on road management systems.

2007 – Data Collection Technologies for Road Management
 17.03 MB

Presentation given in India on how to collect road management data.

Presentation on key issues that need to be considered before introducing performance based contracts ... at least if you want them to be successful!

2007 - Success Factors for Road Management Systems
 966 KB

Presentation from 2007 seminar in New Delhi with Indian national and state highway authorities

2007 - Success Factors for RMS
 979 KB

Presentation on success factors for road management. Part of the World Bank’s GDLN training course on road management and data collection.

2007 - Road Management System Data Collection
 966 KB

Presentation from 2007 seminar in New Delhi with Indian national and state highway authorities

2007 - Presentation on HDM-4 Data Requirements
 8.55 MB

Presentation describing the data collection requirements for HDM.

Presentation on data collection technologies for road management. Part of the World Banks GDLN training course on road management and data collection.

Presentation from PIARC Conference on the potential for a second generation traffic safety project in China.

2007 - Pavement Management Systems in Developing Countries
 16.53 MB

Presentation given to post-graduate course on pavement management at Virginia Tech.

Presentation describing how public participation was used to improve the project design in the World Banks Liaoning Urban Transport Project.

2007 - ITS: Some Experiences From the World Bank
 555 KB

Presentation from 2007 World ITS Congress on some of the experiences of the World Bank on ITS projects.

Presentation on how HDM-4’s pavement deterioration and road user effects model work.

2007 - HDM-4 - Data Collection for HDM
 8.55 MB

Presentation describing the data collection requirements for HDM.

2007 - HDM Modelling
 2.71 MB

Presentation on how HDM-4’s pavement deterioration and road user effects model work.

2007 - HDM Data Collection Requirements
 8.55 MB

Presentation describing the data collection requirements for HDM.

Presentation on establishing a framework for introducing output based performance road contracts. Presents results from studies in China, Egypt and Indonesia.

Presentation on establishing a framework for introducing output based performance road contracts. Presents results from studies in China, Egypt and Indonesia.

2007 - Examples of Road Management Systems
 966 KB

Presentation from 2007 seminar in New Delhi with Indian national and state highway authorities

2007 - Combatting HIV/AIDS on Transport Projects in China
 9.32 MB

Presentation given for World Aids Day on the transport sector work combatting HIV/AIDS in China.

2007 - Combatting HIV/AIDS on Road Projects in China
 8.9 MB

Presentation describing the activities combating HIV/AIDS on road transport projects in China.

2006 - Using Google Earth on World Bank Projects
 9.18 MB

Presentation discussing GPS data collection and using it in Google Earth

Presentation summarizing the World Bank’s work with road traffic safety in China.

2006 - Supplying ITS Equipment to World Bank Projects
 925.5 KB

Presentation describing issues associated with the supply of ITS equipment to projects financed by the World Bank.

Presentation discussing project looking at success factors for road management systems

Presentation discussing issues associated with introducing the concept of a second generation traffic safety project to China.

2006 - Introduction to Google Earth
 9 MB

Presentation giving an overview of Google Earth.

2006 - Introduction to Google Earth
 9 MB

Presentation giving an overview of Google Earth.

2006 - GPS Data Collection
 9.18 MB

Presentation introducing tools available for collecting GPS data.

Presentation introducing how one can use GIS in the World Bank’s project preparation and implementation activities. Useful for other types of projects as well.

2006 - China Tunnel Safety
 9.12 MB

Presentation on the situation with regard to tunnel safety in China, and areas that it could be improved on.

2006 - China Tunnel Safety
 3.43 MB

Presentation on key issues associated with tunnel safety in China.

Materials presented at a training course to introduce performance based contracting to China

Powerpoint presentation from course. Objective of the course was to expose participants to innovative approaches for solving transport problems and aid participants in maximizing transportation investments.

Presentation describing the anti HIV/AIDS activities undertaken as part of the Hubei Shiman Highway Project.

2006 - Cambodia Location Referencing Study
 2.73 MB

Presentation covering the Cambodian location referencing study.

2006 - Cambodia - Location Referencing Study
 2.73 MB

Presentation covering the Cambodian location referencing study.

Presentation discussing data collection, examples of PMS systems, and examples of outputs