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Other reports and presentations not fitting into the above categories.

Presentation on solutions used to overcome fragility in the Pacific on World Bank financed transport projects.

Presentation on operational and technical innovations to deliver projects in small island states.

2014 - Procurement Challenges in Fragile States
 4.36 MB

Paper summarizing the procurement arrangements made for the Pacific Aviation Investment Project which used a novel regional project management unit approach.

2013 - World Bank - Tonga's Maritime Sector
 2.04 MB

Presentation describing key issues faced in Tonga's maritime sector.

2013 - Transport and Development
 10.82 MB

Presentation to Auckland University on Transport and Development.

Presentation on the potential for road construction works to create employment. Given to NZ Road Controlling Authorities 16/9/11.

Presentation to 2011 Low Volume Roads Conference

2010 - Financing Low Volume Roads in Armenia
 1.27 MB

Presentation from 2010 TRB Conference on financing low volume roads in Armenia.

2009 - The Importance of Risk Management for Road Agencies
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Presentation on the importance of risk management highlighting key challenges for road agencies. Given at PIARC Risk Management Seminar

2009 - Superbotrechus Bennetti
 419.59 KB

The 'official' report noting the finding of a new species/genus bug on the Hubei Yiba Highway Project - named after Chris Bennett.

2009 - Road Use Charging: Options and Guidelines
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Road use charging is used by agencies for activities ranging from revenue collection, through demand and environmental management. It is applied on individual road segments, such as an expressway, or over geographic areas, such as zones in a city or even an entire country. When a government is considering implementing a road use charging system, it needs to consider four broad issues: (i) the technology to adopt; (ii) how it will be operated; (iii) how compliance will be enforced; and, (iv) the social impact of the system. This transport note addresses each of these four issues, and presents guidelines towards implementing a successful road use charging scheme.

Presentation on the development of China’s expressway system

Presentation describing how public participation was used to improve the project design in the World Banks Liaoning Urban Transport Project.

2007 - ITS: Some Experiences From the World Bank
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Presentation from 2007 World ITS Congress on some of the experiences of the World Bank on ITS projects.

2007 - China - Transport Sector Overview
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As in many other parts of the economy, China’s transport infrastructure has been undergoing rapid development in recent years. All sectors of transport—roads, urban, railways, air, inland waterways, ports and logistics—have seen major investments to meet the growing demands for transport services. This has resulted in a transformation of China towards world class transport infrastructure in all sectors.

This report presents a summary of the current state of transport in the seven sectors above, together with an outline of some of the energy and climate change issues across the transport sector as a whole. It catalogs many of China’s achievements, while also identifying issues that need to be addressed for China to ensure that transport infrastructure does not act as a bottleneck on development.

This report does not give a full treatment of the sector issues but a summary of the key statistics and challenges with the aim of providing a brief overview. It is hoped that this will be part of a wider platform for policy dialog between the Bank and the Government of China so that the World Bank can continue to assist China meet its development goals.

2006 - Supplying ITS Equipment to World Bank Projects
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Presentation describing issues associated with the supply of ITS equipment to projects financed by the World Bank.

Presentation to the 2005 ITS Congress in San Francisco on issues associated with the introduction of ITS.

2000 - Into the Wind - California to Maine by Bicycle
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Book by Chris Bennett on a solo bike ride from California to Maine.

1998 - Traffic Engineering - Recording Traffic Flow
 936.17 KB

Undergraduate lectures at the University of Auckland on elements of traffic engineering.

1998 - Traffic Engineering - Highway Capacity
 3.49 MB

Undergraduate lectures at the University of Auckland on elements of traffic engineering.

1998 - Developing Models from Data
 256.37 KB

Postgraduate lectures on developing models from raw data.

1997 - The Gujarat State Highways Project
 135.73 KB

REAAA Conference. Summary of the GSHP (India)

1997 - Implications of ISOHDM on NZ Project Evaluation Manual
 133.88 KB

REAAA Conference. What changes were required to NZ's PEM manual in light of the ISOHDM project

ARRB Journal. The modelling of traffic congestion effects on fuel

ARRB Journal. Paper evaluating applicability of speed environment approach to NZ

1994 - Driver Deceleration Behaviour on a Motorway
 51.85 KB

TRB Conference. Development of models to predict deceleration behaviour

1994 - Driver Acceleration and Deceleration Behaviour
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Results of studies in New Zealand

Presentation describing critical headways – the headway which defines whether a vehicle is free or following the traffic ahead.

How the marginal costs due to speed changes are calculated

1985 - NZ - Framework for Vehicle Classifications
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Proposed vehicle classification system.