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Road and traffic safety.

2023 - Pakistan - Road Safety and Pavement Distress
 740.41 KB

The pavement distress issue
is reported as an elementary road entity causing accidents. According to the statistics
of the Road Traffic Injury Research and Prevention Centre (RTIR&PC) in Karachi,
more than 50% of serious injuries occur due to road faults. This paper aims to develop
a mechanism for the exploration of blackspots by inspecting the traffic accidents in
Karachi city caused by road distresses. The mathematical analysis involved the Lagrange polynomial method while the screening of blackspots was carried out based on safety inspections. As of lack of technicalities and improved documentation, the paper presented an initiative of complete guidelines for safety audits and investigations specifically for developing countries like Pakistan. According to findings, around 87% locations are pertained with the ranking of blackspots highlighting the pavement problems of the city.

The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) has developed this evidence-based guide on “What Works and What Does Not Work” in road safety in response to the critical need for effective evidence-based solutions. This guide has been prepared to help readers understand that not all road safety interventions are equally effective and that what appear to be “common-sense” approaches to selecting road safety interventions will often not be the best. Although some provide benefits, others have very limited or even negative impacts, despite being commonly—and mistakenly—recommended or accepted. The guide offers a range of recommendations with a focus on interventions in LMICs, although the information may also be of relevance to all countries. The contents will be valuable to those working on road safety at policy or practitioner levels, including World Bank technical team leaders and others who seek to establish, expand, or improve road safety programs in LMICs. The guide sets knowledge on evidence-based interventions within a “Safe System” context, providing advice on each of the Safe System pillars (road safety management, safe roads, safe speeds, safe vehicles, safe road users, and post-crash care) while recognizing that evidence-based solutions must be drawn from across pillars to produce effective road safety outcomes. At the core of this document is a summary table with an overview of beneficial and non-beneficial interventions based on sound scientific evidence. This is followed by more detailed information including case studies and references to the evidence base to support the summary.

2008 - International - IRAP: The True Cost of Road Carshes
 2.08 MB

Report discussing the valuation of road crash costs. Presents models which can be used in different countries for approximate cost estimations.

2006 - Norway - Road Surface Condition and Safety
 1.24 MB

Report describing the effects of rut depth, roughness and cross-slope on traffic risk. It was found that there was an increased risk with increasing rut depth, but a decreasing risk with increasing roughness. [Norwegian with English summary]

Report giving models for predicting reduction in crashes
Report giving models for predicting reduction in crashes

1995 - Traffic Safety Framework
 103.25 KB

Recommendations on considering traffic safety in HDM-4

1995 - Sweden - Swedish Research on Accident Modelling
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Paper summarizing Swedish experience with traffic safety modelling.

1994 - TRL - Traffic Safety
 1.33 MB

Report recommending how traffic safety should be modellied in HDM-4, with data from several countries.