Funded by PPIAF, this is a comprehensive three-day training course covering the key aspects of performance based road maintenance developed for the World Bank by Cowi consultants in Denmark. This course was presented in Thailand and China, and variations of it in other countries. The file contains all training and background materials. The contents include:
Module 1: Introduction and overview of PMMR
Module 2: Compliance monitoring
Module 3: Long- term asset modeling
Module 4: Changes required by road administration and the consulting and contracting industry
Module 5: Sample Bidding Document of the World Bank for PMMR
Module 6: Other resources for getting information on PMMR
Case Study 1: Argentina
Case Study 2: Uruguay
Case Study 3: Denmark
Case Study 4: PMMR for routine maintenance using micro-enterprises in Latin America
Case Study 5: Lebanon
Workshop 1: Development of performance standards and response times – introduction
Workshop 2: Development of a strategy of implementing PMMR in your country
Supplementary materials for China can be downloaded here.