
Papers and technical reports from Chris' projects as well as his presentations.

Climate change reports.

Reports on all aspects of collecting pavement, road and traffic data.

Reports related to economic and financial analysis of road investments

Environmental and social reports

Technical reports on HDM-4 covering its development and application. Some files are stored under the 'Road User Effects' and 'Pavement Deterioration' categories.

Reports addressing road user effects (i.e. vehicle operating costs and the environment) and their modelling.

Reports addressing pavement deterioration and its modelling.

Reports related to road geometric and pavement design as well as bridges.

Reports and specifications for road maintenance, including performance based/output based maintenance.

Reports on computerized road, bridge and pavement management systems.

Reports related to road and traffic safety.

Software applications.

Specifications and terms of reference used for procurement of road management software, equipment and services.

Others not fitting into the categories above.