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2003 - Asian Development Bank - Road Safety Audits for Projects


2003 - Asian Development Bank - Road Safety Audits for Projects

Tool kit is intended to assist road authorities and their consultants involved in road and highway projects, and has been prepared to provide general advice, a source of reference on the road safety audits (RSAs), and a tool kit of information and checklists to facilitate the application of RSAs on all ADB road and highway projects. Its contents are:


  1. Introduction and Background
    1. Introduction
    2. Road Safety is a Multidisciplinary Problem
    3. Important Role of Roads Authorities
    4. Content and Structure of this Tool Kit
  2. Road Safety Audit: An Overview
    1. What Is Road Safety Audit?
    2. Where Is Road Safety Used Around the World?
    3. In Which Situations Can Road Safety Audit Be Used?
    4. What Are the Benefits and Costs of Conducting Road Safety Audits?
    5. How Much Will Road Safety Audit Add to the Cost of the Scheme?
    6. How Can a Road Be Unsafe When High Design Standards Are Used?
    7. The Road Safety Audit Does Not Solve All Problems
  3. Conducting Road Safety Audits
    1. Introduction
    2. Institutional Framework for the Road Safety Audit
    3. Arrangements for Undertaking the Audit
    4. Audit Stages
    5. Audit Process
  4. Opportunities for Intervention during the Project Cycle
    1. Introduction
    2. Opportunities During Sector Reviews
    3. Project Preparation
    4. Project Processing
    5. Project Implementation
    6. Project Completion
    7. Postevaluation
  5. Recommendations and the Way Ahead
    1. Introduction
    2. Summary of Main Findings
    3. The Way Ahead


File Name: 2003_adb_road_safety_audits_for_projects.pdf
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Created Date: 25-06-2019
Last Updated Date: 21-03-2018