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2020 - World Bank - Benefits and Costs of Reducing Gender Inequity


2020 - World Bank - Benefits and Costs of Reducing Gender Inequity

Reducing gender inequality makes economic sense apart from being the right thing to do. Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls
is the fifth sustainable development goal and is a top priority for governments. Countries can achieve this goal if they take appropriate steps. This note is part
of a series that aims to measure the economic cost of gender inequality globally and regionally by examining the impacts of gender inequality in a wide range of areas
and the costs associated with those impacts. Given that gender inequality affects individuals throughout their life, economic costs are measured in terms of losses in
human capital wealth, as opposed to annual losses in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or GDP growth. The note aims to provide a synthesis of the available evidence on successful programs and policies that contribute to gender equality in multiple areas and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Created Date: 26-09-2022
Last Updated Date: 07-02-2025