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2019 - Africa - Climate Change Risk Assessment Data Collection Manual


2019 - Africa - Climate Change Risk Assessment Data Collection Manual

This ReCAP manual describes the nature and collection of data for climate change risk assessments, which is normally not part of the routine data collection for asset management purposes. This includes issues such as erosion, problem soils, drainage from the road and its near environment as well as from outside the road reserve, instability of embankments and cuttings, construction issues and maintenance problems. For expedience and to minimise costs, this should be done during the routine visual condition assessments, by the assessment teams or others trained specifically for the purpose. Based on the typical problems expected, the assessments are probably best done by those with a geotechnical, engineering geological or geomorphological background. A standard form for recording the data is provided with a worked example and photos of the rated distresses

File Name: 2019_africa_climate_change_visual_inspections.pdf
File Size: 2.74 MB
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Created Date: 18-05-2020
Last Updated Date: 27-07-2024