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2014 - Ghana - Economic Impact of Climate Change


2014 - Ghana - Economic Impact of Climate Change

Climate change scenarios for many Sub-Saharan African countries including Ghana

indicate that temperatures will increase while rainfall will either increase or decrease. The

potential impact of climate change on economic systems is well-known. However, little has been

done to assess its economic impact on road infrastructure. This work assesses the economic

impact of climate change on road infrastructure using the stressor-response methodology. Our

analysis indicates that it will cumulatively (2020-2100) cost Ghana US$473 million to maintain

and repair damages caused to existing roads as a result of climate change (no adapt scenario).

However, if the country adapts the designing and construction of new road infrastructure

expected to occur over the asset’s lifespan (adapt scenario), the total cumulative cost will increase

to US$678.47 million. The paper also provides decadal and average annual costs up to the year

2100 for the ten regions through the potential impacts of 54 distinct potential climate scenarios.

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Created Date: 25-06-2019
Last Updated Date: 21-03-2018